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Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship opportunities are available to both exhibitors and those that are unable to attend the annual meeting.  Sponsorships include program recognition and virtual signage.  Representatives may specify what they would like their sponsorship to support.

Sponsorship Levels   Amount  Example Items
 Diamond: $851 and Above  Conference Platform
 $651 or $850  Speaker
 $551 - $650

 Conference Software

 $400 - $550  Continuing Education Courses 

Special thanks to our vendors for the following sponsorships:

Diamond Level Sponsor

Platinum Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsorship

Platinum Level Sponsor

Silver Level

Downloadable Vendor Materials


Open Access at BMJ 2021


AccessMedicine Brochure

AccessDermatologyDxRx Flyer

The Medical Letter

Company profile

Institutional Access Essentials


R2 Digital Library PDA Acquisition Program

Rittenhouse Collection Development Solutions


MedOne Education

Thieme Medical E-Journals

Wolters Kluwer:

Acland's Remote Learning Flyer

Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Factsheet

Visible Body Physiology & Pathology

Advertisement Opportunities

Advertisements are accepted from both exhibitors and those that are unable to attend the annual meeting. Advertisements in the printed program can be submitted in either .jpg or .pdf format. In addition to the information that is available virtually, there will also be a self-print option for the program.

Advertising Rates    Cost   Dimensions 
 Full Page  $200  8.5" x 11"
 Half Page  $100  8.5" x 5.5"
 Quarter Page  $50  4.25" x 5.5"

Schedule for Vendor Presentations

Vendor presentation time slots are first come, first serve.  Please contact the Vendor Coordinators listed below with questions or to reserve a time slot.  Each vendor presentation is 15 minutes.  

  • Wednesday, November 18th, 2020
    • 8:00am - 10:00am CST (9:00am - 11:00am EST)
  • Thursday, November 19th, 2020
    • 8:00am - 9:45am CST (9:00am - 10:45am EST)
  • Friday November 20th, 2020
    • 8:00am - 10:00am CST (9:00am - 11:00am EST)

Vendor Coordinators

Please contact:

Sylvia McAphee  |  smcaphee@uab.edu  

Michael S. Fitts  |  fitts@uab.edu

For any questions or for more information.

Where to Donate

Please use the Donate link in the menu of the site to submit your sponsorships.  Please specify what you are donating to in the corresponding box and/or comment box on the form.

Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association is a 501(c) non-profit organization. 
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