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Welcome message

The leaders from the Southern Chapter and Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association invite you to attend our annual meeting in Charleston, SC.  We look forward to a program that allows members to demonstrate how their work supports those they work with daily. Our theme, “Navigating Uncertainty: Librarians Leading the Way,” reminds us that even as universities and hospitals face challenges and changes from within and outside their institutions, librarians are a steady presence to provide the information to assist with teaching and decision-making.

We have a preliminary schedule to help you plan. CE courses information will be posted soon, and virtual presentations and courses will be available before the in-person meeting. A meeting of two dynamic MLA Chapters is a great way to make new connections and learn more about what is happening outside of your home region. We hope you will join us!

Program Committee

 Chapter Chair/President
 Christine Willis
 Kat Phillips
 Past Chapter Chair/President  Emily Brennan  Layla Heimlich
 Program/Conference Chair  Lisa Ennis Corey Harmon
 Program/Conference Chair-Elect  Rachel Walden  
 Steering Committee / LAC  Shannon Jones  Ryan Harris
 Professional Development/CE

 Danielle Terrell

 Talicia Tarver
 Hospital Libraries   Nicole Covone Layla Heimlich

 Pamela Herring

 Valerie Vera
 Treasurer  Tariq Rahaman  Andrea Shipper
 Research (papers & posters)  Valerie Vera Alyssa Young
 Fundraising  Lauren Young  
 Vendor  Gail Kouame  Toni Yancey 

Call for Contributed Content

The Program Committee invites you to submit proposals for contributed papers, posters, lightning talks, and panels for the SC/MLA & MAC/MLA Joint Annual Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina from October 27-30, 2024.

Our theme, “Navigating Uncertainty: Librarians Leading the Way,” reminds us that even as universities and hospitals face challenges and changes from within and outside their institutions, librarians are a steady presence to provide the information to assist with teaching and decision-making. Please share your work in education, research, clinical practice, outreach, collections, and more. Please refer to past SC/MLA & MAC/MLA annual meetings for previous examples of contributed content.

Please submit a blinded abstract through this form following the structured abstract format by MLA's Research Section. There is a 300-word maximum. The blinded abstract, which will be used in a blind review process, must not include any specific information that would identify authors or institutions. The deadline for paper, poster, lightning talk, and panel abstract submissions is August 9, 2024 (by 11:59pm EST). 

Contributed content will be evaluated on originality, innovation, organization, and clarity of presentation. Research papers and posters will be judged and eligible for an award. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 27, 2024. 

If accepted, you will be asked to submit the following by the specified dates: 

  • An unblinded abstract (by September 6, 2024) 

  • Presentation materials (e.g., presentation PowerPoint slides, poster PDF) (by October 11, 2024) 

  • Pre-recorded presentation (by October 11, 2024) 

Please note, if accepted, at least one author must register and present in-person at the Annual Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina.

Unsure whether to submit your project as a paper, poster, lightning talk, or panel?

Consider your presentation style and the nature of the material you wish to present.

  • Posters: Highly visual presentations

  • Lightning Talks: Brief, focus on one main point, and are more verbally oriented

  • Papers: Lengthier and verbally oriented

  • Panels: Dynamic format for presenting a topic through multiple perspectives

We encourage recent MLIS graduates and currently enrolled MLIS students to submit proposals. This is a great opportunity to share what you know and do in a friendly environment! 

For questions, please contact Wanda Whitney and Valerie Vera.

Contact Information

For local arrangements questions, contact Shannon Jones and Ryan Harris.

For exhibits/sponsorships questions, contact Gail Kouame and Toni Yancey.

For registration questions, contact Pamela Herring and Valerie Vera.

For billing questions, contact Tariq Rahaman and Andrea Shipper.

Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association is a 501(c) non-profit organization. 
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