Communications Committee

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to communicate information to SC/MLA members through Southern Salutations, our blog, and Southern Expressions, our electronic newsletter. Committee members, including Chair, serve for two years.

Southern Salutations (blog):

Southern Salutations is the SC/MLA blog. The purpose of the blog is to communicate timely information to chapter members, facilitate discussions through posts and comments, and increase participation in SC/MLA activities. The blog also serves as an online archive of news items.

Southern Expressions:

Southern Expressions is the SC/MLA electronic newsletter, published quarterly. The purpose of the newsletter is to highlight past events, promote future events, and report on general chapter news. The Southern Expressions subcommittee members are responsible for compiling information from institutions in their respective states and sending that information to the newsletter co-editors.

Communications Committee Members

Name   State/Territory  Term Ends 
Angela McKee, Chair    
Sarah Thompson
Justin Robertson
Angela Megaw GA2024
Valerie Lookingbill
SC 2024
Melodie Gardner

Ex-Officio Members

Name  Position
Hannah Rogers Newsletter Co-Editor
Priscilla StephensonNewsletter Co-Editor 
John Nemeth Membership Committee Chair 
Pamela Herring  Website Administrator 
Valerie Vera
Website Administrator 
Nelle Williams  Discussion List Moderator 

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