Fundraising and Scholarships Committee

The Committee is responsible for stocking and staffing the Scholarship table at the annual meeting as well as directing other fundraising efforts on behalf of the Southern Chapter/MLA.

Formation of the Committee is facilitated by both the SCMLA Chapter Chair and the F&S Committee Chair. The Chapter Chair appoints the Chair of the F&S Committee from the F&S Committee. The F&S Chair serves as Chair for one year. The Chapter Chair  then appoints from 3 to 5 members to the F&S Committee. Each member is asked to serve 3 years. Committee members must be active SC/MLA members at the time of their appointment and throughout their term.

Current Members

Name State/TerritoryTerm Ends 
Lauren Young, ChairAL2024
Lance DayAL2024 
Kim Meeks
Mindy Berg
 Janet Chan
 FL 2026
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